
    How to make an automation to automatically reupload your content

    Cover Image for How to make an automation to automatically reupload your content

    In the ever-evolving world of social media, content creators often find themselves juggling multiple platforms to reach a broader audience. Managing YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, TikTok videos, and Snapchat Spotlight content separately can be time-consuming and exhausting. Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to automatically repost content across all these platforms with just a few clicks?

    Enter, a game-changer for social media automation. This platform allows you to link your social media accounts, known as "connections," and set up "automations" that automatically repost new short-form content from one platform to another. For example, you can automate the process of reposting your YouTube Shorts to TikTok or Instagram Reels, saving you hours of manual work and ensuring your content reaches your followers across all platforms.

    This guide will walk you through the steps to create an automation on so you can streamline your social media management and focus more on creating great content. Plus, every new user gets a 14-day free trial, giving you the perfect opportunity to experience the platform's full potential without any commitment!

    Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an Automation on

    Step 1: Sign Up and Connect Your Social Media Accounts

    If you're new to, the first step is to create an account. Head over to and click on the Sign Up button. Fill in your details and complete the registration process. Once you have created an account, you will automatically be enrolled in a 14-day free trial, which gives you full access to all features on the platform.

    Next, you'll need to link your social media accounts to These are referred to as connections. To add a connection, follow these steps:

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    1. Navigate to the Connections section in the dashboard.
    2. Click on the Add Connection button.
    3. Select the social media platform you want to connect (e.g., YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat).
    4. Follow the on-screen instructions to authorize to access your account. This step is necessary for the platform to automate content reposting on your behalf.

    Repeat these steps for all the social media platforms you want to connect.

    Step 2: Create Your First Automation

    With your social media accounts connected, it's time to set up your first automation. Automations are the heart of; they allow you to repost content from one platform to another seamlessly. Here's how to create an automation:

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    1. Go to the Automations tab in your dashboard.
    2. Click on the Add New button.
    3. Choose a random name for the Automation to identify it later in the list.
    4. Choose a Source Platform, Source Connection and Video Type from the drop-down menu. This is the platform and account where your original content will be posted.
    5. Select a Destination Platform, Destination Connection and Video Type. This is the platform where you want the content to be reposted automatically.

    Step 3: Customize Your Automation Settings allows you to fine-tune your automation settings to ensure that reposted content meets the requirements and preferences of each destination platform:

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    1. Title and Description: Set custom titles and descriptions for the reposted content. You can use placeholders from the source video (such as the original title or description) and add suffixes, prefixes, or other custom text to better suit the destination platform's audience.

    2. Video Processing: Adjust video processing settings as needed to comply with platform-specific requirements. For example, platforms like YouTube Shorts and Snapchat Spotlight have a maximum video length of 60 seconds, so you may need to trim or process videos to fit these constraints.

    3. Language and Other Platform-Specific Settings: Configure the language settings and any other specific options required by the destination platform. This may include selecting the appropriate audience, privacy settings, or other details unique to each platform.

    By tailoring these settings, you ensure that your content is optimized for each platform and reaches the right audience in the right format. Once you've configured everything to your liking, click Save Automation to set it live!

    1. Video Processing and Platform-Specific Settings: Adjust settings such as video length, language, and other platform-specific options to ensure compliance. For example, YouTube Shorts and Snapchat Spotlight have a maximum video length of 60 seconds, so you may need to trim or adjust videos accordingly. Set the language, add any relevant tags, and tweak other settings unique to each destination platform.

    By customizing these settings, you ensure your content is optimized for each platform's audience while maintaining a consistent brand presence across all channels. Once you have fine-tuned your automation, click Save Automation to activate it!

    After configuring your settings, click on Save Automation. Your automation is now live!

    Step 4: Monitor Automations and Stay Informed

    Once your automation is set up, everything runs automatically without any manual intervention. detects new content from your source connection within 15 minutes and automatically reposts it to your selected destination connections.

    You can monitor the status of your automations in the Dashboard:

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    • View logs of successfully reposted videos to ensure your automation is functioning as expected.
    • In case of any issues, (e.g. Upload Limit Reached, Authorization Issues, or Platform Downtime), these will be clearly visible in the dashboard, allowing you to take corrective action.


    Creating automations on is a simple yet powerful way to manage your social media content across multiple platforms efficiently. With just a few clicks, you can set up automations that save time, increase your content's reach, and keep your followers engaged, no matter where they are. Take advantage of the 14-day free trial and discover how can revolutionize your social media strategy!

    Happy automating!